Overcoming Infidelity (Online Training)
Here's what you'll learn in the Overcoming Infidelity Course:
- How long it takes to build the trust back.
- The first thing you should do after someone has cheated.
- How to re-establish trust in your marriage after infidelity.
- How to find and resolve existing issues so it doesn't happen again.
- How to create a NEW relationship better than the previous one.
- The importance of getting help and not trying to figure this out on your own.
- The importance of coming clean and sharing the details of the affair
- How couples can deal with the guilt and anger that comes as a result of infidelity in the marriage.
- How long it typically takes couples to get over an affair.
- The key ingredients to reestablish trust in your relationship.
- How to ask for what you want, even when you're angry.
- How to identify and deal with existing issues that were present in the marriage before the affair.
- How to eliminate the distance that has come between you and your spouse.
- How to re-establish and have a stronger connection than every before.
- The importance of buying into the fact that you can have a better relationship after infidelity.